Monday, May 4, 2009


Women are feeling the economic crisis of the world’s debt. For when taxes increase and economic adjustment programs alter situations, women feel the brunt of the change. For “when governments cut back spending on social and heath services to cope with their debt burden, poor household, of which women headed households are a disproportionate share, bear the brunt of these cuts” according to Seager. In addition, in 2008 it was estimated that women make up seventy percent of the world’s poor, and that only eight percent of the World Bank’s executive directors are women. Lastly, Seager mentions that it is the income from women working that keeps households going.

The fact that the World Bank is made up of mainly male executive directors, and that they make decisions that greatly effect mostly women disgusted me. Women need to have a say in the processes that are being made to reduce world debt. In addition, how much of the debt of the women was caused by a male figure? Possibly a man caused a woman to become pregnant, and then kicked her out onto the street with no money. Or maybe he left her with a huge house payment with no source of income. Situations such as this occur in many countries on a daily basis, and the women are left with the mess to clean up. It is unfair for men to abuse their power and put women in such places in life.

This is in accordance to the fact that women make less money than men typically. How is a woman suppose to repay her debt when she does not even make decent wages as compared to men? The fact that jobs are typically managed by male figures, and this influences their pay is unjust. Plus, males control the amount of money that woman must expend on taxes and property each year. Obviously more women need to have roles in the development of financial projects, and they need to be compensated more fairly than the current situation.

Seager, J. The Penguin Atlas of Women in the World. Brighton: Myriad Editions Limited, 2009,

Working For Wages

Women are in the work force, keeping jobs, and trying to make a living. However, “occupational segregation” leads to discrepancies between the wages that men make as compared to women. Typically women are being paid less than the male population, and even though equal-pay legislation is trying to slim the gap, it is not always very effective. According to Seager, “this earnings discrepancy reflects several factors: outright gender discrimination, the concentration of women in female-dominated jobs, and the higher percentage of women working part-time.”

While equal-pay legislations insist that males and females be paid the same amount for the same job, this doesn’t overcome the fact that there is “occupational segregation” in which women typically do not hold the same jobs as men do. This can be from their gender, race, or class. How are women suppose to earn their equal pay if they are unable to attain the job in the first place? In addition, majority of the people in control of the equal-pay legislations are probably males with more power, who can then use this power to hinder women. They probably realize that what they are doing is not going to solve the problem, however, they are probably hoping that since they are putting forth effort, even though it may be a small amount, that people will not question their motives. I believe that equal-pay legislations are just trying to cover up a problem that they know they cannot fix, and keep the power within the hands of those who currently have it.
On another note, women are typically forced to have to work twice as hard to prove that they are just as capable as men are. This unequal determination for less pay seems to be swinging the power balance in the favor of males. Women have proven that they are just as competent and physically capable as men, however, males just turn their heads at this movement. How are women ever going to be paid equally if no one will acknowledge our strengths, goals, desires, intelligence, and capabilities?

Seager, J. The Penguin Atlas of Women in the World. Brighton: Myriad Editions Limited, 2009,

Domestic Violence

In this chapter, the magnitude of domestic violence was explored and analyzed. In some countries, such as Egypt and Zambia, women believe that is okay for husbands to beat their wives when they mess up something such as food preparation. In the UK, a report of domestic violence is filed every minute, and such charges account for 16 percent of all the crime in the country. Also, in the United States, more than one billion dollars is expended on medical costs due to domestic violence. According to Sieger, “domestic violence is a means of keeping women ‘in their place,’ literally confined to relationship, household, or family structures defined by patriarchal authority… violence against women is often ignored or even condoned by the state on the grounds that it is a ‘private’ matter.” In addition to this, many abused women do not even report the incidents; however many shelters have been created in several countries to provide a home for women who have suffered from domestic violence.

Domestic violence is a tragedy, for a person should feel safe in their home, not fear for their life. From battering to rape, this form of male domination is unacceptable and lessens the value of women. As individuals and persons, women should not have to succumb to the fists of her partner, and instead she should be respected. Domestic violence can also be hard to get away from, and can come in different forms, such as verbally or physically. Personally, I have been picked up and thrown across the room by a boyfriend, and verbally abused for long periods of time by him. However, I thought that I loved him, and that he would change; he didn’t. In situations such as these it is hard to see the overall picture and know that you are in a dangerous situation. This sort of abuse happens often in relationships, and it is often too late when women realize what is going on.

The extent to which domestic violence is prosecuted needs to be increased, and more shelters need to be made for women who have been hurt. In addition, women need to be shown that it is not okay for their husbands to beat them when they have done something wrong. If these measures are taken, hopefully they will cause a decrease in the amount of domestic violence that occurs each year.

Seager, J. The Penguin Atlas of Women in the World. Brighton: Myriad Editions Limited, 2009,


Rape is a common problem throughout numerous countries in the world. In the U.S. alone, an estimated 700,000 rapes occur each year. In addition to this, many rapes and sexual assault go unreported due to social stigma. Rape does not always happen with a stranger, and instead, majority are committed by people that the person knows. It is a problem in jails, hospitals, refugee camps, and throughout communities. Sieger states that, “rape is not ‘having sex’; rape is violence intended to assert male power and control… Rape is often exercised as a ‘privilege’ of power.” In addition to rape, child sexual abuse is also a large problem, along with marital rape. Each of these takes advantage of the weaker person, and the male dominates them to his dismay.

When I read how many people are raped in the United States each year, I gasped, literally. I could not believe the number, and how it is significantly larger than any other country. But then I began to reevaluate it and think about my personal experiences over the past few years, and the number seemed more tangible. I personally have been put in difficult situations, that if I had not gotten out of them, may have ended in a disaster. College campuses seem to be locations where rape is fairly common, and that it probably goes unreported most of the time. In addition, high school students are starting to drink at younger ages, which influences their decision making processes, and may cause them to put their selves in bad situations.

The thought of child sexual assault makes my stomach churn in disgust. I don’t believe that this represents power, instead it shows weakness in only being able to dominate someone who is much smaller and less capable than the adult. Also, with marital rape, it seems that the fact that they are married makes it seem ok to the power figure to take advantage of their partner. I’m sure that many of these instances go unreported or unprosecuted due to the circumstances. This is very unfortunate because it is still not right.

Rape and sexual abuse is obviously a problem, especially in the United States. Further measures should be taken to address this situation, and to try to prevent it. In addition, prosecution of those convicted should be more thorough, and have larger consequences. As a female, I know that I can be controlled very easily by a man who is stronger than me. This inequality scares me, and has significantly influenced my personal decisions.
Seager, J. The Penguin Atlas of Women in the World. Brighton: Myriad Editions Limited, 2009,


In this section, it focuses on the beauty industry, cosmetic markets, and the lengths that women go to in order to achieve a higher level of beauty. It is stated that, “women undergo a staggering amount of suffering in the pursuit of beauty. Around the world, but especially in the rich countries, tens of thousands of women each year have their bodies cut, shaped, stapled, tucked, and manipulated to conform to prevailing standards of beauty.” However, this is not the only form of manipulation that women endure to change their appearance. In the U.S. alone, fifty billion dollars was expended on cosmetics in 2007. However, this may also be reflected in the fact that the U.S. has had the most winners of the Miss World and Miss Universe pageants. U.S. women seem to be fairly occupied by trying to achieve the ideal body type, otherwise they would not have disposed of so much money on the products.

I believe that these numbers are staggering. Why do women feel so much pressure to conform to an ideal created by the white male population? Obviously the image displayed in the media is influencing women, and causing them to have insecurities about their natural appearance. It seems unreal that with the fact that women are typically paid less than men, that we would spend so much of our income on unneeded commodities. On the other hand, men, who make more then women, do not have to expend so much money to alter their bodies, for the ideals for men aren’t as vigorous as they are for women. This contradiction is startling, especially in a time when women are fighting for equal rights. Should there be so many discrepancies such as this? Should men have the power to make us want to dispose of our income on these products and services? Women need to show that their natural beauty is much more attractive than having altered it. We need to gain our power back, and not let men cause us self doubt and to spend our hard earned money.

Seager, J. The Penguin Atlas of Women in the World. Brighton: Myriad Editions Limited, 2009,

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Remarkable Journeys: Poor, Single MOthers Accessing Higher Education (2004)

“Remarkable Journeys: Poor, Single Mothers Accessing Higher Education (2004)” Women’s Lives: Multicultural Perspective, New York: McGraw Hill, 2007, 383-385.

This entry was remarkable to me. It was filled with great ideas on how to reestablish single, lower income mothers back into the work field and to provide them with useful tools and knowledge that will help them be successful. The idea behind it all is that single women need the support and help to engage them in finding jobs, and they need specific help so that they can provide for their families.

In the article, it discusses that “individuals and communities accrue enormous social, cultural, and financial benefits when low-income, single mothers are supported in post secondary educational endeavors.” This idea makes perfect sense, because higher education means additional knowledge, that always proves useful in the working community. In addition, higher education also leads to more substantial jobs, giving way to higher salaries. By having a greater salary, women have additional income that can be used to provide more resources for their children, to take care of their home, and in turn, help the economy with additional spending. With additional money, this takes them out of the struggles of being a lower income household, and leads to greater security and less stress. It only makes sense that if women are provided with this additional assistance, that they can prove to be more useful to society, and be able to carry out their responsibilities as a parent more successfully.

It is behind this thought and belief that the ACCESS Project was created. “This project is an educational, social service, and career program that assists low-income parents in [their] efforts to move from welfare and low-wage work to meaningful and secure career employment through the pathway of higher education… the program supports students academically as well as helps them overcome substantial obstacles such as lack of adequate childcare and transportation, domestic violence, homelessness, hunger, and low self-esteem.” It is incredible what this program does, and the stories of women involved in it were inspirational and insightful. The program truly changes lives for the better, and helps women get back on their feet. By providing them with the necessary elements to be successful, they have made it happen, and changed their lives around.

Knowing what this program is capable, it’s interesting why more programs such as this one aren’t available. Rather than having people on welfare, and using tax payer’s money, wouldn’t it make sense to make it so that they were capable of maintaining decent jobs, and therefore not having to be on welfare? In addition, wouldn’t it make sense that if they had money, that they could help the economy? It seems worth the financial input to make more programs such as the ACCESS Project so that women could be more financially independent. I believe if this program is analyzed, altered to be even more successful, and provided throughout the nation, that there would be a great increase in the productivity of single women, and tax dollars would not be wasted to as much of an extent as they are now. Welfare, homelessness, and the lack of childcare have been known issues for decades. It is time that these issues are addressed in a way that provides the most desirable outcome.

Unity Statement (1980)

“Unity Statement (1980)” Women’s Lives: Multicultural Perspective, New York: McGraw Hill, 2007, 525-527.

In this article, women expressed their concerns for the male dominated government impeding their rights as women, as individuals, and disrespecting their homes and the world they live in. They believe that the government is abusing its power, and therefore hindering their beliefs.

Maternally, the women want their home lives to be respected. They “want enough food, decent housing, communities with clean air and water, [and] good care for our children while we work.” In addition they “want to be free from violence in our streets and in our houses… [and] the right to have or not to have children.” Obviously they are worried about male officials not understanding the needs of women within their homes. They need healthcare that will protect their family, and laws or rules that will diminish the violence that is present in their communities. Which, this is very understandable because motherly instinct includes the protection of their families. No one should feel fear from where they live, and they shouldn’t have to worry about not being able to provide their families with the medical attention that they need. Items such as these should not be refused or not provided for, because the well being of society depends upon it.

The women want to be respected in the work force, and compensated for it. They “want work that is useful to a sensible society… intend to form women’s groups or unions that will demand safe workplaces, free of sexual harassment, and equal pay for work of comparable value… [and they] expect [their] experience [and] skills to be honored and used.” By demanding these aspects, their intelligence, strength, and skills to be used to the best of their abilities, and that they will be helpful to society. Women have value, and are just as capable as men. It is time that this is acknowledged and understood. They can influence the workforce and prove useful if people will just recognize it. Men do not have to be the main form of labor, for women can do anything men can do if their minds are set for it. Over time women have shown this, holding higher ranks in the corporate world, leading in scientific endeavors, and making strides that were never believed to happen. Why shouldn’t women expect respect in the working community? By demanding this respect, women can change the world, and build stronger companies that can help the economy.

Lastly, women believe that they “are right to be afraid,” and that “life on the precipice is intolerable.” They are scared that the male structure in corporations and government will influence their lives to a point where it cannot be overcome. They want their voices to be heard, to not be oppressed for their sexual orientation, and that the world they live in to not be subjected to use by corporations to increase military security. It can be seen that their lives are being reined in by a male dominated society, and that their views are not being addressed. By attempting to make their voices heard, they hope this will alleviate some of the silencing of their beliefs, and that headway will be made. This is the first step in the right direction; towards women’s rights, equality, and power.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Whose Security?

“Whose Security? (2002)” Women’s Lives: Multicultural Perspective, New York: McGraw Hill, 2007, 599-602.

This article addressed several issues such as power, gender, and community. Each of these will be explored and analyzed to further understand the reading, and the implications it makes.

Power. 9/11 left many with insecurity, distrust, unbelief, and looking to someone who could fix the problem that had arisen. George Bush, and other government officials took advantage of the situation, and used it to drum up “U.S. foreign policy, which is military and corporate driven.” By doing this, those who already had power, were given even more power. They then used this to impose additional government spending on the war, and to supposedly help those who needed. They believed that everyone was worried about what had happened, and by doing this, they tried to push their foreign policy beliefs on other countries. U.S. government officials believed that they were in the right, and that by doing what they did, they were helping those who were suffering. This was expressed by the quote that, “Bush agenda domestically and internationally, including more unrestrained exercise of U.S. power and disregard for multilateralism. In addition, many thought that this even was a defining moment for all, but the author believed that, “the assumption that it is the defining moment for everyone, to be self-indulgent and shortsighted.” However, the war did increase spending and communication between other governments, supported by the statement that, “other governments have also used the occasion to increase military spending and to erode support for human rights. In that sense, it has become a defining moment because of how it has been used.” I believe that this issue is much more than just that. The fact that issues such as personal rights, the main reason why the war is going on now, has been pushed aside to strengthen military resources and power. If the main reason the war was started was for human rights, then why has it been put on the backburner, and not further addressed? It appears that this main concern was used as a stepping stone to push U.S. ways and government on other countries, and to overall increase the power of the U.S. and its government.
Gender. Another one of the main concerns of the war was women’s rights and their ability to be protected from males in their society. However, this concern has quickly been overpowered by national security and the formation of a government structure within the country. It was actually stated that, “while human security is a promising concept, it is far from being embraced as a replacement for the national security paradigm to which governments remain attached and have made vast commitments.” In addition to this, “the events of 9/11 should have generated attempts to address the very real threats to women’s human rights posed by fundamentalism, terrorism, and armed conflict in many guises.” This is astonishing because these were the main reasons that we invaded Iraq and neighboring countries. We were to provide women with hope, security, and a chance for a decent life. However, it seems that male domination in U.S. foreign policy has overstepped this and silenced the issue all together. Instead, they have focused on creating a democracy, which will more than likely be male driven. How is this suppose to help women if the very people who were abusing them now have even more power?

This article raised many issues about the effects of 9/11 at a personal, national, and nationwide levels. It should be reconsidered how the plan of action for the future will be carried out. Goals, motives, and the completion of the war on terrorism should be reevaluated, and subjected to further discussion before the original mission is lost and all hope is gone.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Women's Bodies and Body Ideals

This chapter was very intriguing to me. What I’d like to do is take some of the main ideas and quotes that were presented, and analyze them individually.

The first idea that was presented was about the beauty ideal. This was expressed as when women grow up, they see images of what the ideal body type is for females. This in turn influences how they view themselves, and molds their actions and beliefs. However, these images do not take into account what the body is for, and how it transforms as we go through our life experiences.

Personally, I know that I have been influenced by this ideal that the media and such portrays. It influences my actions, what I do in my free time, what I wear, how I style my hair, and how I put on my make-up in the morning. I personally will not go out in public without make up on, and I hardly ever wear shorts or a bathing suit. And while I know that I am not very overweight, or that disgusting without make up, this beauty ideal has surely created individual insecurities in my personal life.

However, on the other hand, I do not believe that the “beauty ideal” is truly ideal. My body and clothes reflect me on a daily basis. I am always outside, in the mud, working with tools, and lifting heavy materials. I do not want to be super skinny because if I was, I would not be able to carry out my daily activities. My body needs to be able to lift and move ladders, endure heavy labor for ten hours a day, and be able to protect myself against things and people that can cause harm to me. I stand my own ground.

The second point dealt with the beauty business. The beauty business is a multi-billion-dollar industry that tries to tell people how they should look, and provide them with the methods to achieve the desired result. But many of the methods and products that they put forth actually do not work, or they do not give the results that they say they will

Let’s examine diet pills. They say that they will help you lose so much weight within a certain amount of time. However, many of them do not work at all. I use to know quite a few girls who tried them and were not successful. Personally, I use to take them, and I lost around 5-10 pounds in two months. But it really isn’t known if that was due to the exercise or the food I was taking in. In addition is make-up. You see these great commercials on television showing you that their product will produce flawless looking skin, great eyelashes, or reduce wrinkles. After trying many of these products though, those results can only be obtained by a relative few. Many of the models that are shown in the ads have been airbrushed to look more flawless as well. And why does it take make-up to obtain the “natural look”? Why can’t the natural look just be natural? It’s because most women who are natural do not live up to the beauty ideal of the “natural look”.

The third idea was commodification and co-option. The main point of this section is that “the body is considered inferior to the mind.” Therefore, the body is the main objection in life, which then causes it to be broken down into different commodities and individual pieces. Our bodies then are not seen as a whole, but as single parts of a puzzle.

I believe that many women do not want to be seen as just a body, however many guys believe that this is all that women are. I personally want to be seen for my intellect, my personality, my experiences, my goals and ambitions, my ideas, thoughts, opinions; everything except for my looks. Over my lifetime I have worked very hard to get to where I am at today. Numerous all nighters, immense amounts of studying, devoting my life to school and extra-curricular activities, and experiences my different options in life. I am not just a “piece of ass” or a “pair of tits” as some guys think. I am like an onion, with multiple layers that should be explored. My appearance is only the outer layer that gets ripped off and discarded. It is the underlying layers that are what is really desired.

Lastly, the final idea was “Whites Only? Forever Young? Always Able?” Here the chapter talks about how being White, young, and able is more desirable than being non-White, old, and disabled. However, many non-whites are more secure with their bodies, and older peoples are able to see their lives in a clearer perspective than they did when they were young. Lastly, becoming old is inevitable, and many people consider being old a disability due to things such as lack of sight, hearing, coordination, independence, etc. And therefore, as we age, we become disable, all of which is bound to happen eventually.

I believe that since most of the images seen in the media are typically of white women, that this could be why non-whites are more comfortable with their bodies; for they do not associate themselves with the images as much. Also, many older people do not see themselves as being disabled, and instead, it is only the younger generations that believe this. I will admit, I sometimes get irritated with older people driving when they do not keep up with the pace of traffic. However, it is true that they are just as capable as I am of many daily activities. To assume they are disabled just because of their age is naïve.

He Works, She Works, But What Different Impressions They Make

I found this section very amusing. The way it was broken down to a black and white comparison was a very strong way to present the concept. The main idea was that men are determined, busy, important, dedicated, and intelligent. On the other hand women are pushy, flaky, dispensable, and impulsive.

Another stereotype that wasn’t really addressed is how it is believed that in general, women can’t be successful in a male dominated field such as construction. I run a house painting company and it was amazing how surprised many male contractors were when they found out. But over time they figured out that I knew what I was doing, but the fact that I am a “tom boy” and not a typical girl probably helped as well. Eventually they were giving me advice and support so that I could do my job better, and many of them are my friends not.

Not only were male contractors skeptical, but many of my clients were at first as well. It took me having a lot of product knowledge and convincing to ease their minds and to prove to them that I was capable.

It is very difficult to be a woman in a man’s field. Determination, understanding, patience, and aggressiveness are key traits needed to make it. However, I feel that the women that are successful are so much stronger for it, and that if you put your mind to it, it can be achieved.

The Cleaning Woman/Labor Relations #4

This poem really hit me in the gut. It reminded me of how little people are appreciated unless they do something amazing and noticeable. However, I’m sure if the cleaning lady had decided to just not show up and quit without two week’s notice, the woman doctor would have noticed and been very irritated. The doctor did not value the cleaning woman and what she did for the clinic.

Personally, I run my own business, and last summer I was so excited because I had six employees hired. But I took them for granted, not appreciating what they did for me. Eventually all but one left me, and I was stuck and forced to do their jobs as well as my own, and I hated it at first. It cause me to have a very rough summer, trying to replace them as well as get everything else done. I took them for granted, like in the poem, when I should have appreciated them and what they did for me.

This concept of taking advantage of people can be seen on a global level as well. Think of all of the third world countries that make the products that we use every day. Or the farmers that provide us with food, the bus driver that gets you to class on time, or the garbage man. All of these people work to make our lives easier, however many people see them as worthess or disposable, but are they really? The answer is no. Each individual plays an important part in the efficiency of our lives and culture, and without them, chaos would be a sure thing.

I believe this passage also displays the effects of power. The woman doctor was the boss of the cleaning woman, and because of this, she held the power. She had the ability to make choices and sacrifices, and choose whom to tell them to. Because no one was above her on the power pole, she had no pressure or anyone to keep her power in check. She was irresponsible and impassionate towards those that were way below her stature. This theme is displayed all over from those with power as previously discussed, and many times the power is not held in balance. It is a shame that power can be abused in a way that hurts and discourages others.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Facilitation: Chapter 3: Women's Bodies and Beauty Ideals

Facilitation: Chapter 3: Women’s Bodies and Beauty Ideals,” Women’s Lives: Multicultural Perspective, New York: McGraw Hill, 2007, 121-132.

Key words:
Gender-bending, objectification, commodification, racist, ageist, ableist, standards, ideal, “perfect”,

Key quotes:
“The dominant culture often reduces women to bodies, valuing us only as sex objects or as bearers of children.”

“Empty shells”

“How we feel about our bodies is thus also profoundly cultural and political.”

“Changing their appearance in gender-bending ways.”

“Ideal woman…she is young and tall with long legs, small breasts and hips, smooth skin and well-groomed hair…trim, toned, and very lean.”

“450 full-time American fashion models who constitute the elite corps [are] deployed in a way that keeps 150 million women in line.”

“Our bodies reflect our lives.”

“Body dissatisfaction in the United States is increasing at a faster rate than ever before especially among
younger women.”

“Letting herself go rather than making the best of herself.”

“The separation of body and mind as a fundamental element of Western thought, where the body is considered inferior to the mind.”

“Only a handful of women have the Natural Look naturally.”

“Aging is disabling…we are all disabled eventually.”

FEAR- False Evidence Appearing Real

“Many people with disabilities argue that they are more handicapped by the mental limitations of nondisabled people than by their own minds and bodies.”

Main Ideas:
1. The Beauty Ideal: As women grow up, they see images of what the ideal body type is for females. This in turn influences how they view themselves, and molds their actions and beliefs. However, these images do not take into account what the body is for, and how it transforms as we go through our life experiences.
2. The Beauty Business: The beauty business is a multi-billion-dollar industry that tries to tell people how they should look, and provide them with the methods to achieve the desired result. But many of the methods and products that they put forth actually do not work, or they do not give the results that they say they will
3. Commodification and Co-option: The main point of this section is that “the body is considered inferior to the mind.” Therefore, the body is the main objection in life, which then causes it to be broken down into different commodities and individual pieces. Our bodies then are not seen as a whole, but as single parts of a puzzle.
4. Whites Only? Forever Young? Always Able?: Here the chapter talks about how being White, young, and able is more desirable than being non-White, old, and disabled. However, many non-whites are more secure with their bodies, and older peoples are able to see their lives in a clearer perspective than they did when they were young. Lastly, becoming old is inevitable, and many people consider being old a disability due to things such as lack of sight, hearing, coordination, independence, etc. And therefore, as we age, we become disable, all of which is bound to happen eventually.

1. What can we do as a population to change the perspectives of the ideal body image.
2. How has this ideal body image impacted you personally.
3. Is this truly the image that all girls want to be when they grow up?
4. How has this image affected your meso perspective of yourself?
5. Girls are receiving breast augmentations as high school graduation gifts.
a. Do you believe this is right?
b. If so, why. If not, why not?
c. What does this say about society’s images that it portrays about the “perfect woman?”
6. If our bodies display our lives as a whole, including our past, should we really want to alter it with surgery?

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Jews in the U.S. (1994/5755)

Personally, the concept of race to me has always been based on a scientific perspective, and because of that, I have always believed that race is due to a gene line. Therefore I do not necessarily agree that a type of religion should be considered a race. However, for this piece, I will go ahead and consider it a race while keeping my own thoughts and feelings about it.

Throughout the article many of my own views were challenged, and I have to say, I disagreed with many aspects of it, and am partially disappointed with the piece in general. Besides claiming that Judaism is a race, I disagree with the claims that everyone hates Jews, that they are seen as “different,” and that they have to fear being who they are. I will now embrace each of these aspects and go into more detail with them. I will begin each section with a few quotes that I believe are interrelated, and then analyze them.

“In the U.S., Christian, like white, is an unmarked category in need of marking.”
“As racism names the system that normalises, honors and rewards whiteness.”
“World Jewish Congress in 1958”
“Jews for Racial and Economic Justice”
I dislike the way that people criticize white people because they believe that they are judging them. I also disagree with how they believe that since they are a ‘minority’ that they should have special circumstances. There is no such thing as the World White Congress, or the Whites for Racial and Economic Justice, so why should different minorities have such gatherings? Nowadays we have Black Entertainment Television and other programs directed towards specific races, however, there is not a White Entertainment Television station. Just because a group of people are considered a minority does not mean that they should be able to exclude others from their groups. Currently there are so many programs to try and get underprivileged and minorities involved into things such as college, as with the numerous scholarships aimed towards different ethnicities, but have you ever heard of a scholarship aimed at a white person? I just believe that even if one is a minority, they shouldn’t be able to exclude others because they are fighting for equality and equality does not include exclusion of others.

“When everyone… hates Jews?”
“Process of ‘whitening’”
“Many of us have lost our culture, our sense of community.”
“Own brand of Jewish courage.”When it comes to maintaining your roots if you will, I think it is a personal responsibility to keep what is important to you as a part of your life. No one can force you to change your religious beliefs if you truly believe. However, many claim to have changed their opinions to better fit in to society. On the other hand, if something is that valuable to an individual, they should fight harder to keep it. The concept of being human is to form one’s own views, morals, and belief systems, for without that, we would not be human. We all are capable of thinking, of processing, of growing, and because of this we develop our character. If Judaism is as important as they claim, then they should not be ashamed of what they are, and instead, they should embrace it. They should have their “own brand of Jewish courage,” because without courage, nothing can be achieved. We all face difficult situations in life, and it is our courage that helps get us through them. People without courage only have fear, and fear can, and will, stop everything in its path.

Hasidim: “Tend to protect their individual communities.”
Hasidim: “They dare to walk around looking Jewish.”
This group of people represents the greatest devotion of people within the chapter of text. They know what they believe in, and they stand by it proudly. Rather than running in the other direction, or molding in order to fit in with society, they embrace their values and make it be known. If every Jewish person lived with this optimism, they would not have so much fear in their lives.

Lastly, this article generalizes the entire white population, portraying the idea that all whites think alike. But this is gravely untrue. Many whites are not racist, are not bigots, and are not trying to impose on minorities. In actuality, many embrace minorities with open arms, listen to their complaints, and try to relieve the issues that are present. It is not fair to claim that every white person feels the same way because we are all from different racial backgrounds, have different past experiences, and therefore have different views. I actually believe that it is only a small portion of the white population that has an issue with minorities, while the rest see everyone as equal.

Slavery Timeline

In this article, there were two main points that jumped out at me that I believe could use further discussion.

First, on June 18, 1452, “a bull authorizing the Portuguese to reduce any non-Christians to the status of slaves” was created. This concept confuses me in numerous ways. To begin with, the Portuguese and African population did not speak the same language, so how could they have known that they were non-Christians? In addition, what are the requirements in those days to be considered a Christian? Did they have to believe in a God? Therefore, the African population very well could have believed in a God or higher power, and hence, would have been considered Christian. This verbal barrier, if it would have been overcome, in turn could have dismissed the non-Christian belief (whether or not they considered themselves Christian). Next, there are many other populations that would have been considered to be non-Christian, so why were they not taken advantage of? What was so special about the African population? I believe it was the fact that they looked different, spoke a different language, and the fact that they were an easy target due to the ports that could be established that made them a prime source of prey for slavery.

Second was the concept of ‘Chattel Slavery’ in which “slaves are commodities to be bought and sold, rather than domestic servants or agricultural workers.” This concept basically means that the slaves were a piece of property, therefore reducing them to not having any rights as people or have free will. This concept however, was very smart for the owners because if they were servants or workers, then theoretically they could have worked off their debt and therefore received rights as a free person. By being a slave they could be kept indefinitely, as well as their offspring.

Overall this article touches base on two different concepts, those of power and race. The white population used their power to enslave the African population, and turn them into a property that could then be exploited. In doing this they proved that they were stronger and a better peoples. On the other hand, the African population was taken over due to their race. Their race was different, not the same as the white population, and therefore they were unequal and inferior. Both of these concepts hold true throughout the development of slavery and racism over the past century, and I am sure they will be further looked into in the weeks to come.

Bill of Rights

In comparison to the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights focuses on establishing a power that is balanced and that cannot be abused. By creating a document that clearly states the rights of the parties influenced by it, it protects them from any imposition that may occur from the government.

One concern that was brought up in the Declaration of Independence was that the government was keeping and abusing the use of standing armies when they were not in a time of war. However, in the Bill of Rights, this problem was resolved by stating that a militia shall be maintained, but that they are not allowed to be quartered within a house in which they do not have permission to be in. By clearly defining the limits that the government can have with a standing army, the people are protected from unnecessary power that can be inflicted by the army.

Another concern was that the British government was not allowing trial by jury. In the Bill of Rights, it was concluded that a person has the right to a trial by jury, as well as the right to a speedy trial, and that excessive bail was not allowed. They also included the concept of double jeopardy, and that warrants were needed in order to search private property. Each of these concepts continues to be taken into account and followed today, showing the significance and importance of these clauses in the document.

Overall the Bill of Rights establishes the main concerns of the people, and creates a rule book to follow so that people’s lives are not infringed upon. Because of its creation, the power and authority of the government can be maintained. The creators used their previous state of being unrightfully ruled by the British government to establish the government that they thought was fair and just for the new world. In the end, it was the need for a stable and balanced government that led to the development of the document.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Declaration of Independence

The main theme for this document was the abusing of power by the British government. It was this problem that led to the development of the article, and ultimately the freedom of the people. However, I believe that the abuse should be looked into further.

In regards to this course power is a main issue. By abusing power, one can see the effects that this issue holds on the people. When they felt as if they were being taken advantage of, they revolted, finding new ideals that they believed they deserved as a people. In claiming that “all men are created equal,” they believed that they had the right to govern their own lives, and live under the rules that they believed should be instated.

This concept shows how a balance of power has to be maintained. If power is swayed in either direction, whether good or bad, it is going to have an effect on those influenced by it. It is then only natural that those who are upset are going to try and restore it to its original or better state. One couldn’t expect anything less. Power can be so detrimental to the state of a community, so it has to be watched closely.

Corruption in terms of power can be seen throughout history, such as with Hitler, the movement of “no taxation without representation,” and the women’s rights movement. Each of these parties felt as if they were being abused by a higher power, and a need for change rose up. By wanting more from their government, they sought change and tried to restore the balance of power to a better state than it originally was.

This document clearly shows how power can be abused, and the measures that people will go to in order to get what they believe they deserve. By analyzing this article, insights on power and its influence can be further understood.